Get a load of this freak! Jkjk she's a stock photo model you can put different graphic tees on, she probably lives in Burbank with four roommates, don't worry about it.
Here was my mental journey with this image: when I say weirdos can be heroes I don't mean influencers with shabby chic night tables and ikea rubber plants who are like "ugh I'm such a weirdo I like naps AND coffee?!"
No I mean walking sore throats like myself who are projecting worst case scenarios onto every interaction until they shrimp in on themselves in a futile rage of cowardice. It is only by doing what we fear that we get slightly less weird! And then, still, the scary stuff happens. So we (I) must remind ourselves (myself) to be heroic and unshrimp to the greatest degree I am capable of.
But probably I, Middle Aged White Lady the Same Height as Slenderman, seem very non-shrimpy to someone standing in line behind me at the grocery store.
So perhaps this is exactly how this shirt should be worn, by relatively non-weird looking weirdos such as myself, to remind the general masses that we all contain multitudes and fears and inner hells.
Am I going to get one?
No I can't wear that people would think I'm a weirdo.