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That's what the Luddites were afraid of, when they went into those first factories and started smashing up the textile machinery that would revolutionize the garment industry. What cretins! Didn't they see the labor that would be saved? Here in 2023, robots make all the clothes so humans don't have to! Oh wait...


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Okay so humans still work in the garment industry, but they have no negotiating power and children are exploited by million dollar corporations to make things more cheaply. Cool, cool. But the clothes themselves became better at least! High quality at low prices! Oh wait...

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There are still beautiful pieces of clothing made by hand today. You will never wear them, they are far too expensive! Because very few people know how to make them.

Speaking of garments, shortly after Luddites were laughed off the world stage, London was so choked with industrial pollutants everyone wore black to the ash didn't stain their clothes. For miles around, white moths died out and pepper moths evolved to hide more easily on the smog-stained trees.

If you don't learn from history you...I forget....

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